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We are a Christ Centered Community of women committed to nurturing our faith and spiritual strength to enable us to be people of God in mission.


The TLW (Trinity Lutheran Women) is committed to nurturing our faith and spiritual strength to enable us to be God in mission.

All women of Trinity are placed in smaller groups called circles. There are monthly meetings held in homes or at the church for Bible Study, coffee and fellowship. Several general business meetings will be held throughout the year. All our ladies look forward to the June retreat, the summer breakfast meeting, and the Christmas Banquet.

Our annual yearbook coordinates the many congregational and community service. Our magazine is the Gather magazine, which contains our Bible Study for the year.

We finance our many projects with monthly pledged to a specific mission concerns locally  and internationally. The once yearly Praise Appeal covers special projects of the CLWR.

All are welcome!


Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, TWL shall be a community of women which recognizes the authority of Scriptures in its understanding of mission, in the affirmation, growth and development of women, and in the expression of faith in action. The purpose of this auxiliary shall be to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through its own program and that of its church.

To accomplish it purpose, this auxiliary shall provide leadership and opportunities for women to:

  1. Deepen their understanding of Christian faith and relate this faith to daily living through Bible study program resources and daily devotions.
  2. Experience spiritual growth and renewal.
  3. Develop a sense of self-worth in a changing society.
  4. work toward justice and peace for everyone through education and avenues of support.
  5. Cooperate in the mission, ministry, and programs of this church.
  6. Participate in inter-Lutheran and ecumenical relationships.
  7. Engage in congregational and community outreach and service.
  8. Develop leadership skills and avenues fro sharing talents and creativity.
  9. Nuture home and family life.
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