If you would like to join our choir, we would love to have you. No audition needed! Watch for choir practice times on our “What’s Happening” page.
Ushering is a fairly simple, but essential part of our worship service. We are more than happy to train anyone willing to help! Let one of the ushers know you are interested.
Worship Assistant
Worship Assistants are the Pastor’s right hand, helping during worship service. Can’t sing? Don’t worry, there are other options. Speak to the Pastor about becoming a Worship Assistant.
TLW (Trinity Lutheran Women)
Our women meet on a regular basis for service, fellowship and fun! Often guest speakers attend the gatherings. Please call the office for more information.
Prayer Chain

Prayer chain is a way to get word out to the congregation during an emergency, or anytime someone would like to be prayed for. If you have a prayer request or would like to join the prayer chain by text or phone, please contact the office.
Altar Guild
Help is always welcomed for changing of the paraments for the church seasons. Please call the office if you would be willing to help.
Church Council & Committees
Recently we have reorganized our council into 6 leadership teams. These teams guide ministry in the areas of Worship; Spiritual Formation; Caring Ministry & Community Service; Financial; Property & Maintenance and the Executive Team.
We are always looking for committee members. If you are interested in sharing your gifts and talents, please call the office.
Many people from our congregation and the community come together to make quilts a few times a year. These quilts are then shipped to Northern areas, or around the world by the Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) as part of their ‘We Care Program’.